Enlarged Prostate: 9 Over-the-Counter Medications

A man’s prostate gland continues growing throughout his life.

That’s why older men are more likely to have issues with enlarged prostate.

This condition is called benign enlarged shrink prostate, which isn’t the same thing as having prostate cancer.

These are two separate health conditions that are treated in different ways.

Benign means noncancerous.

However, even without cancer, an enlarged prostate can cause discomfort and complications.

Benign enlarged prostate is the most commonTrusted Source problem for men over age 50.

Men with this condition experience bladder troubles that include: frequent urination, involuntary loss of urine, a weak stream of urine, and pain during urination or after ejaculation.

If your symptoms aren’t severe, your doctor may recommend regular checkups for a period before deciding on medical treatment.

The main form of medical treatment involves prescription drugs from these two categories: alpha blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

Alpha blockers reduce symptoms by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and bladder and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors work by blocking the hormone that makes the prostate grow.

6 Natural Remedies for an Enlarged Prostate

Some treatments and herbal supplements that can help manage your symptoms are available over the counter (OTC).

However, The American Urological Association does not recommend or recognize these treatments for managing benign enlarge prostate. visite here how to shrink your prostate

If you’d like to try one of the treatments listed below, you should still consult your doctor.

Playing diet defense

Roughly 50 percent of men over the age of 50 have an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesTrusted Source.

By the age of 80, nearly 90 percent of men will live with BPH.

The good news is that a diet rich in certain vitamins and minerals can keep your prostate healthy and lower your risk for BPH. Being overweight is another risk factor for developing the condition.

So making nutritious food choices is also a great way to lower both your weight and your risk.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are rich in zinc.

The mineral is essential to the health of the prostate, according to a study in the Indian Journal of UrologyTrusted Source.

Men with either BPH or prostate cancer have lower levels of zinc in their bodies, sometimes up to 75 percent lower than those with healthy prostates.

Zinc that comes from food is easier to absorb than zinc supplements.

Help your body by snacking on sesame seeds. Almonds, adzuki beans, and pumpkin seeds are also high in zinc.

A study on rats show that pumpkin seeds may also be beneficial for managing BPH.


Obesity may increase your risk for an enlarged prostate, according to the Mayo Clinic.

One review suggestsTrusted Source increasing omega-3s along with exercise to decrease obesity and weight gain.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats can protect you from:

cardiovascular disease
rheumatoid arthritis
weight gain

If you’re not a fan of fish, you can get your omega-3s from walnuts, ground flax seeds, chia seeds, and canola oil.

Smaller amounts are found in kidney beans and soybeans.

Bell peppers

According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin C found in vegetables may play a role in fighting BPH.

Bell peppers contain a lot of vitamin C: One cup of raw bell peppers contains nearly 200 percent of your daily required intake of vitamin C.

Other vegetables rich in vitamin C that you may want to add to your diet include:

Brussels sprouts


Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, the bright carotenoid, which gives the plant its red color.

Lycopene may lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.

It can also help men with BPH, according to the National Cancer InstituteTrusted Source.

One studyTrusted Source saw lycopene slow the progression of BPH in participants.

Lycopene also helps lower the prostate specific antigen (PSA) connected to prostate inflammation, BPH, and prostate cancer.

Just make sure to include your lycopene rich food with a fat like avocado, nuts, oil or butter to enhance absorption.

You can get lycopene in:

pink grapefruit

Avocados are rich in beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol thought to reduce symptoms associated with BPH.

Some men taking beta-sitosterol supplements say they have better urinary flow and less residual urine volume.

However, the Mayo Clinic warns that the safety and effectiveness of beta-sitosterol supplements have not been proved.

Besides avocados, other foods rich in beta-sitosterol include:

pumpkin seeds
wheat germ

Source : healthline.com